编辑整理:浙江自考网 发表时间:2018-05-23 【大 中 小】
bounty n. money given (by government ) for reward (政府给的)奖励金
carrion n. dead and decaying flesh 腐尸
decompose v. break up and separate into simple parts; decay 分解
departure n. leaving a place 离别
endanger v. put in danger; cause danger to 危害;危及
expansion n. making or becoming larger 扩张,膨胀
exterminate v. make an end of ; destroy completely 根除,灭绝
fatal a. causing or ending in death or disaster 致命的
habitat n. the natural home of a plant or animal 动植物产地
hemisphere n. a half of the earth; half a sphere 半球
injurious a. causing harm 致伤的,有害的
millennium n. a period of 1000 years . pl. millennia 一千年
persecution n. cruel treatment 残害,迫害
predator n. wild animal living by killing and eating other amimals 捕食其它动物的野生动物
preserve n. stretch of land or water where animals, birds and fish are kept safe from harm or danger. 禁猎地
prospect n. reasonable hope; sth. which is expected 前程;盼望的事物
refuge n. shelter or protection from danger 避难所
remnant n. a part that remains 剩余部分
roam wander with no clear aim 漫步,漫游
scavenger n. a bird or an animal that feeds on wastes or decaying flesh 食腐动物
splendid a. grand in appearance; glorious; very fine; excellent 优异的,壮丽的
subtle a. delicate, hardly noticeable; difficult to perceive or describe 微妙的;难以捉摸的
superstition n. false belie